Friday, July 16, 2010

Weighted Vests.....

The benefits of bodyweight training are well documented and an absolute must for any athlete. Once the athlete has adjusted to the resistance provided by pulling or pressing one's own bodyweight, it becomes necessary to consider adding further resistance. This is achieved with the purchase of a quality weighted vest such as that shown in the photo above. The additional resistance is provided by adding weight plates or compact sand or other similar material which provides up to about 120lbs (55kg) added resistance.

Most vests allow the user to add or remove the weights provided. As these vests are quite pricey (between R2,000 and R5,000 - imported from the USA - includes cost of item and shipping costs)one should ensure that product is made from good durable materials and has received good reviews (surf the web, read testimonials, exercise forums etc).

Uses for the vest -

Well basically any exercise you can do with bodyweight you can do with a weighted vest:

Pullups/chinups - incl variations (L-sit, front lever)
Pushups (incl variations narrow and wide arm, ballistic/clapping, pushups on rings etc)
Squats (incl variations - back, front, overhead)
Rope climb
Running (sprints, hill climbs, stairs)
Dips (incl dips on rings)
Mountain climbers/Jumping Jacks
Wall Ball
and basically any other plyometric exercise.

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