Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Crossfit - over 40 - and loving it.....

I entered the Crossfit Africa Regional qualifier in May 2010 with the knowledge that I had only learnt some of the Crossfit moves a few weeks prior to the event and had only started Olympic lifting a few months prior to that....this left me a bit apprehensive but so what.....the event is unique and my goal was to prove to myself that I could finish the gruelling workouts...which I did and as only 1 of 2 competitors over 40 years old I was very happy....

The events - all 4 completed in 1 day:

EVENT 1: 2km trail-type run- Sprint the first 800m- Move a tyre (30kg / 15kg) anyhow for the second 800m- Drop the tyre and end with a 400m sprint.

EVENT 2: 1-Repetition Maximum Overhead Squat- Athletes have 7 minutes within which to determine their 1-repetition maximum (1RM) overhead squat.

EVENT 3: Triplet- 5 Rounds for Time of:: 250m row: 5 squat cleans (75kg/45kg): 5 handstand push ups.

EVENT 4: The Chipper:Complete the prescribed repetitions of each exercise before moving on to the next exercise in the prescribed order* 50 pull ups* 50 wall balls (20lbs/15lbs, 10ft/8ft target)* 50 kettlebell swings (24kg/16kg)* 50 shoulder to overhead anyhow (40kg/30kg)* 50 double unders* 100m tyre flip* 50 tyre jumps (both feet in and out as done with a box jump)* 100m walking lunge with load overhead (20kg/15kg).

The comraderie was great, the event was well organised by Crossfit Rebel Fitness and I hope the sport grows from strength to strength.....

My inspiration and motivation to improve my fitness levels comes from the knowledge that there are athletes out there in their 60 and 70's who look 30 years younger by virtue of their commitment to a healthy lifestyle and to them age is but a number .......

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